Soccer Training 2018 – Session 4 Recap.

Dear Parents,

Once again thanks for joining hands with Bay Malayali to make our soccer training program successful.   Extremely happy to see kids having fun and enjoying soccer practice and the game. Looking forward for next session on Saturday July 14th at 8:30AM.

Last week we introduced two drills.

1)  Aliens and Space Rangers: This will help them to improve the ball control skills under pressure

2)  Long and Short Passes:  Practiced the techniques of long passes  by hitting hard by keeping the toes down and short passes by soft touches with bottom of the foot.

Special thanks to Renjith for bringing Donuts for kids last week. Thank you Kundu Gangadharan for volunteering to bring refreshments  for next session.  If you like to volunteer for refreshments,  please inform one of the coaches.

Few tips for next week:

  1. For better results please come on time. Kindly try to reach by 8.25AM.
  2. Kindly ensure that your kids wear cleats, shin guards, and long socks covering the shin guard to ensure their legs are properly covered and protected.
  3.  Please bring water bottle as the program is bit intensive and could be tiring for little ones, especially under the morning sun.

Noufal for Bay Malayali.